We request all community members to join us daily for congregational Fajr Prayers at the ISCQ, led by Sheikh Nasser Khalil!
We especially encourage our youth to attend & avail this opportunity for seeking nearness to Allah in these blessed months.
Please recite salawat to hasten the return of Imam al Hujjah (af)
Updates and info at www.iscq.org
Questions, comments and
suggestions welcome
– info@iscq.org

Ramadan Calendar 1446-47 A.H/2025 AD

The Islamic Shia Council of Queensland (ISCQ) is planning to print and distribute its yearly shia athna asheri Ramadan Timetable for Brisbane for 2025 InshaAllah.

Community businesses and members wishing to advertise their business in the calendar please contact manager@iscq.org or at +61 410 388 033


Revised times for Programs


Please note based on your feedback following are the revised times for programs being held InshaAllah every Friday and Saturday at ISCQ

*Every Friday*
4.00 Am Fajr Salah
Coffee and tea
Dua Ahad
Dua Sabah
Ziyarat Ale Yasin

**5:30 Am Dua Nudba **
6:00 Am Light Breakfast

*Jumah Salah*
11.40 Am

*Every Saturday*
4:00 am Fajr Salah
Coffee and tea

*11.40 Am Dhur Salah*

Every day we have Maghrib Salah lead by Sheikh Nasser Khalil?

Please inform your family, friends and encourage community youth to attend as well!

Please recite salawat to hasten the return of Imam al Hujjah (af)

Updates and info at www.iscq.org
Questions, comments and suggestions welcome – info@iscq.org

Congregational Prayers at ISCQ

Please note, that until further notice daily Magrib prayers and Juma Congregational prayers will InshaAllah be lead by Hajj Nasser Khalil and prayer will start at 12noon.

_Please recite salawat to hasten the return of Imam al Hujjah (af)_notice

Updates and info at www.iscq.org
Questions, comments and suggestions welcome – info@iscq.org